2024 NCIGS  Membership  Application

 Household dues are $12.00 per calendar year (Jan-Dec).  New member dues paid after October 1 will extend to the next full year. Annual membership includes: quarterly newsletter with one free query, monthly meetings, support and friendship of like-minded folk, opportunity to participate in a variety of projects and use of NCIGS Library.  


I am interested in volunteering as follows:   __ Library       __ Website       __ Membership       __ Programming       __ Refreshments


__New Membership    or     __ Renewal                                       Today’s Date_____________________________________


Name ___________________________________


Street Address_____________________________________________ 

City___________________________________________________ State _____________ Zip______________________ 


Telephone __________________________________________  E-mail ________________________________________


Newsletter to be sent via::           __  E-mail      OR      __  Post Office    


In addition to my 2024 membership, I would like to make a tax-deductible gift of $ _________.  

(Non-designated donations will be added to the Rental Fund.)


Amount Enclosed:  Cash $__________     OR      Check $____________                                    


Mail Address:        North Central Iowa Genealogical Society, Box 237, Mason City, Iowa 50402-0237